Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I sign up for the Clear Skin Program?

Signing up gives you instant access to a comprehensive, step-by-step online course that teaches you the ins-and-outs of making the transition to a diet that can quickly reverse your acne - a low-fat, plant-based, whole-food diet. You will also receive valuable information about skincare that is crucial to preventing breakouts. You'll also learn about options for treating spots and scars after acne heals. Our program is designed to teach you what to do, how to do it, and gives you access to a program that has helped thousands clear their acne.

In addition to Nina and Randa, you will have experienced coaches available for information, support and encouragement. You'll be able to participate in live ZOOM teleconferences as well as get to interact with our community of members who are also learning the program and clearing their skin.

Many people report they lose weight (unless they don't wish to), and feel more energy following this style of eating.

What is the biggest benefit of the program?

Without a doubt, the most substantial benefit of the Clear Skin Program is finding that you hold the keys to your very own success. This is such good news! If you’ve ever had severe acne, then you know how detrimental it can be to feel like a victim. The Clear Skin Program can give you the answers you’ve been looking for and put you back in the drivers seat.

How long do I have access to the program?

When you purchase the Clear Skin Program, you get instant digital access to the course material for one year, including any updates and new materials.

How long will it take to clear my acne following this program?

It varies between individuals. Some clear very fast, within a few weeks. Others have taken months before their acne starts to clear, and four or five months to stop even mild breakouts.

If you've had severe acne over many years, it's going to take longer than someone who may have started breaking out just six months ago. 

Dermatologists advise patients that Accutane can take four months or more before it even begins to work. As you will see in the course, this diet works using some of same mechanisms as drugs like Accutane. So the same schedule can sometimes apply to a diet approach as applies to Accutane - meaning both can take a number of months to start working. Some people may be a tougher case, and their body may to take longer than someone else – but they can get there if they stick with the diet. 

Once my acne is gone, do I have to keep eating this way?

That depends on you. Once you clear your acne using the diet, and stay clear for a period of time, you can add back foods you like one at a time if you wish. Then you can see which, if any, of those foods are triggers for you. We explain this in detail in the course.

Some people add back certain foods and immediately break out. Others, once they have cleared and calmed their inflammation, have added back many foods and said they've had no breakouts. Everyone is going to be a little different.

I prefer to eat gluten free. Is that possible with this program?

Yes. Many of the recipes in the program can be made gluten free. 

How does this program compare to using Accutane to get rid of acne?

While the mechanisms are similar (both this diet and Accutane work to lower IGF-1 signaling - described in the course), there are no adverse side effects to eating fruits and vegetables.

Accutane doesn't work for everyone, or it may work for a while, and then stop working. But Accutane can have undesirable, and sometimes very serious side effects. 

Here is a link to a brochure listing potential side effects

Side effects of Accutane can include: 

  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Psychosis (seeing or hearing things that are not real)
  • Suicide

We have friends and relatives who report having had serious problems with Accutane, ranging from depression - to being hospitalized and diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). One such individual had this experience and was told he needed to be put on an IV drug for Crohn's disease - at $2500 per treatment. 

Many people are seeking an easy way out, hoping for a "magic pill" from a doctor, only to find that these acne medications can leave them more desperate and without getting acne results they had hoped for.

Before-after of Puspita
- after three weeks on program