We’re so glad you are here! You’re looking at the brain and heart child of Nina and Randa Nelson, the innovators behind the Clear Skin Diet and Real Clear Skin products.

There’s an old saying that “necessity is the mother of invention.” Identical twins Nina and Randa are living proof this adage is true. 

In their early 20s, Nina and Randa were enjoying burgeoning careers in the entertainment industry. They were working regularly on television and in film, as well as operating popular social media platforms on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, etc. It seemed liked every dream they’d ever had was coming true!

And then the nightmare hit. 


And not just a light breakout you can slap some make-up on and forget about; but demoralizing, disfiguring, devastating cystic acne.

Conventional acne treatment methods failed.

Work dried up, as well as their confidence, and they considered quitting their public careers completely. 


Nina and Randa didn’t give up, they turned to invention. They discovered that they could heal their skin with diet, and created the Clear Skin Diet (book published in 2018 by Hachette). Thousands of people have now also used Nina and Randa's dietary strategies to clear their skin.

Nina and Randa, in keeping with their inventive spirit, spent two years working with chemists and personal care scientists to develop the topical half of Real Clear Skin. They personally tested dozens of formulas, tweaked their chosen versions to perfection, and made sure that all ingredients used meet the standards of the Environmental Working Group, a non-profit focused on safety and whose mission is to "empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment.”


Real Clear Skin is the result of the drive to produce products that are manufactured to the highest and safest standards possible.

Nina and Randa are involved in every aspect of these skin care products - even taking product shots you see on this website and in promo materials. 

From their heart to yours, The Clear Skin Diet and Real Clear Skin are work of loves - and determination.

Meet Our Food Coaches

They are here to help you succeed:

COACH: Shalyn

Shalyn's journey started when she was surgically diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and abnormal cells on her cervix. She was overweight, had severe food intolerances, excruciating menstrual cycles, suffered from depression, constipation, and other digestive issues.

When conventional treatment failed, she was inclined to adopt a whole food plant-based diet after watching the documentary film, Forks Over Knives. Over the course of several months, Shalyn noticed her symptoms started disappearing. ALL of her symptoms became a thing of the past!

About a year and half later, her skin started breaking out with cystic acne. Her pores increased in size and her skin was more oily than ever. She was devastated and didn’t know where to turn.

That’s when she found Nina and Randa, who'd had the same problem with cystic acne. Shalyn said the absolute key for clearing her skin was switching to a low-fat plant based diet. After witnessing the profound power of nutrition in her own life, a light came on and suddenly she wanted to share this information with anyone who was suffering!

COACH: Xenia

Xenia had been struggling with acne for 20 years. There seemed to be no pharmaceutical remedy in the world neither to heal the disease nor at least to take it under control. On the contrary, it was getting only worse and worse with age. In addition to skin ailment, she developed PMS and menstrual cramps, which were so terrible that the first day of the period she had to stay in bed.

By the age of 27, she gave up on dermatologists, cosmetologists and all expensive but ineffective ways of “fighting” with acne and decided to conquer it in a natural way. She gained basic knowledge on nutrition from all kinds of sources available to her and adopted a vegan diet. Menstrual cramps and PMS went away in the very next month, acne on the back and shoulders disappeared, but the face was still problematic. Amazed even with these results, that seemed to be a miracle, she decided to investigate deeply the scientific base of her new life style. It turned out that there were plenty of doctors, who supported the plant-based diet, and that she was doing it in a wrong way.

She read all books by Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Prof. T. Colin Campbell and some of Dr. Barnard's, watched many documentaries and interviews with the plant-based doctors. Based on the new information, she stopped eating oils, processed and high-fat plant foods and even had to incorporate the elimination diet for a few months. She won. Acne was gone.

Now Xenia enjoys supporting people who are struggling with acne and want to heal it forever - by changing their diet. She is fluent in English, Czech and Russian.


As a teen and young adult Tara was constantly battling with her weight, digestive upsets and reproductive health concerns. It wasn’t until she got a call from her doctor about cervical cancer cells detected at her last appointment that she knew she needed to change. Shortly after she went plant-based and over the next few years she saw fantastic improvement. The weight came off, digestion improved, and surprisingly, no more cancer cells have been found even over 10 years later.

A few years into her journey, the acne appeared. The depression and physical pain was so unbearable. Dermatologist-recommended treatments only made it worse.

After a YouTube search she came across information from Nina and Randa about how diet affects acne. She immediately downloaded their book The Clear Skin Diet. Today, her skin and confidence are both glowing once again!

Tara is a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Dog Trainer, and runs her own business Zen Dog. She loves working with dogs and their people to solve complicated problems and help people find relief. She loves to help and teach others when they are motivated to see results. As a Clear Skin Diet Coach, Tara can now apply that love for coaching into her passion for plant based eating.

COACH: SydneyRae

SydneyRae had been struggling with acne for over a decade. Up until the age of 23, the SAD (Standard American Diet) she had been eating caused recurring breakouts.

SydneyRae decided to go plant-based. But even after two years of plant-based eating, she was still struggling with acne outbreaks. Desperate for answers, she researched all she could about acne, and luckily discovered The Clear Skin Diet. In August of 2020 she decided that she was ready to climb out of the depression acne had left her in; she jumped right into the elimination diet. 

Within four months she saw incredible healing in her skin and her confidence! Sydney-Rae focused on low-fat nourishing foods and lowering her stress levels. She learned to enjoy her new diet – and the results.

Sydney-Rae feels blessed to have the opportunity to help others become their most confident selves through this incredible program. She hopes to inspire others on their unique journey. Sydney-Rae’s wants everyone to know that they should never give up, stay positive and always be faithful!

COACH: Jennifer

While many assume acne is something that largely affects teens and young adults, Jennifer’s struggle with acne continued well beyond that age. Shortly after turning forty, she found the acne on her shoulders and back had got significantly worse. Soon it spread to her upper arms and scalp.

Intent on improving her skin, Jennifer turned to topical treatments, added supplements and also changed her diet. After reading articles about possible benefits to the low-carb diet, Jennifer adapted her longtime vegan diet to one higher in fat and protein, and much lower in carbs.

As her acne worsened over the next four years, a new skin condition added to her misery. Small itchy blisters appeared on her legs at first; soon raised welts would pop up while she ate and finally her arms and legs were affected by a disfiguring eczema. A prescription for antibiotic cream containing lanolin only made matters worse.

Jennifer learned that skin conditions don’t just affect your skin – they affect every area of your life. Not only did the eczema reduce her wardrobe choices, it cost her a relationship and left her feeling completely alone as those close to her failed to understand what she was going through. Hobbies were abandoned as coping with skin problems not only took all her energy but also cost every cent she had.

Finally through constant searching for answers, Jennifer found Nina and Randa’s Clear Skin Diet. While impressed with their results, she was at first reluctant to try it out. Fear of weight gain and a false belief that a high carbohydrate diet could cause future health problems - led Jennifer on a fact finding mission. Reading Dr. John McDougall’s books gave her the confidence to try the Clear Skin Diet.

It took eight months to completely heal her skin - and Jennifer was ecstatic. Early positive changes included losing excess weight and gradually reversing the hair loss she had previously experienced. Having spent much of her journey alone, Jennifer is pleased to be part of the support set up around the Clear Skin Diet which provides the tools for anyone to achieve healthier skin.